Thursday, March 31, 2011

art interpretations

Here's an excerpt from P. D. Eastman's book Are You My Mother?:

Three-year-old D commented, "That's not a cow. See, it has horns. That's a water buffalo"

Of all things, a water buffalo. And he said it so matter-of-factly.

Friday, March 25, 2011

a new take on a classic children's song

K was singing away as he was waiting for the rest of the friends to finish up in the potty,
"I've got the joy joy joy joy down in my hole."
Mrs. Nicole realized he'd got the lyrics a little off, "It's HEART. Down in my HEART!"

Thursday, March 17, 2011

snacktime prayer

There are a number of sing-song prayers we say for each snack time and lunch. One of them goes like this:

"Thank You Jesus, Thank You Jesus
For our food, for our food
Bless it to our bodies, bless it to our bodies
Amen, amen"

While praying this with my students, I heard one of them reciting it as:

"...Bless it to our bottoms, bless it to our bottoms
Amen, amen"

Another teacher commented, "Some of us might need a blessing there, too."

I suppose she's right.