Sunday, September 2, 2012

The things that were, and the things that will be

Why break when you can break?

Being a preschool teacher comes with its challenges to be certain, and those challenges bring learning, strengthening, stretching, and growing in ways one might never choose on their own. In the midst of it, the challenges often seem so difficult and hindering to life and what you want to be doing. But in actuality those situations are life and the very means to get you to be what you want to be and do what you want to do.
I took a break from this blog over the past year because I was experiencing such challenges. I was spent from such growing pains and felt continually exhausted. Honestly, there were times when I really didn't know if I would make it through the year, but I can look back now and see how my endurance has increased and ways I have grown into a better teacher. For that I am thankful. In the midst I knew God was doing a work and I held on to that. I was encouraged by His word:

"...count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him."   
-James 1:2-5 

This passage is so applicable to real life. And there is hope in it. I was encouraged through it to cry out to God in the midst. And so often I do. When everything is chaos around me I stop and ask Jesus for wisdom. When dealing with a frustrated child I stop and ask God for wisdom. And how many times by doing this have I been able to deal with a situation so much more calmly than if I had not called out to the Creator of the universe who is love and patient. My students see me do this often. I say one line prayers asking God for help, and I hope that is an example to them, that I am a human just like them and God is real and prayer is something to be really practiced. God, His word, and relationship with us are not things that only exist in a certain block of time when I'm reading to them out of the Beginner's Bible, prayer is not just the sing-songs we say at snack time, but our God is real, He is a present help in times of trouble.

I try to keep this blog a lighthearted place where I can share the joys of the day, the things that make preschool so wonderful. But life is real, and it is hard. Along with those joyful parts of the day come the temper tantrums and the paint messes. And sometimes you just need to be honest.

A new year ...what's in store?

I spent last week preparing my *new* class for the school year, making it cozy, making it my own, and it feels good! I moved into a new classroom, one that happened to be already extremely organized, and I had wonderful helpers to work alongside me to make sure everything has a place!

After four years in the potty-training room where I have gained the majority of my experience as a preschool teacher, I am moving on. This year I will be working with the three's, many of my students I had over the summer and even in the last school year. I am looking forward to strengthening my skills as a teacher and growing together with them in our own little classroom community. 

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